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Published Illustrator

Okay, I've had an illustration client and I've kept it under wraps over here. It's finalized so I can put it up here now :) I'm going to be published!! One of my dreams is coming true and I am truly ecstatic about it. Connie Pshigoda is an author who is writing a book (Seasons for Wellness, the Woman's Almanac) on reflexology and anatomy focusing on the female body. She needed illustrations for her book, that's where I come in.

The one above is showing the "Anatomy Map" and the others coincide with the seasons. One reflexology illustration for winter, summer, late summer, spring and autumn. The book sounds interesting because it's basically teaching that certain parts of the female anatomy are affected at certain times. Kidney and bladder in the winter, stomach and spleen in late summer, etc.

Aaaah, I'm so excited to see it in print! :)