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My wish list is long. Right now I wish I had a big bucket of money. Have you ever won a shopping spree or know of someone who has? I wonder if anyone really wins. Same thing with candybar contests too. I would always think that if someone did win something like "find the striped m&m", they would be the person eating it in the movie theater and tossing it on the floor without realizing they won. I have shopping sprees and wads of cash on my brain because I'm flipping through the latest issue of Lucky. I'm drooling all over my friends magazine. I hope she doesn't get too upset. I'm only human.

Some sweet links: coco-delilah - i especially love smashing grandpa, helen wang, earl jean, and follies paris Lucky beauty department alum Tia Williams has inspired this lipgloss and has written this book. both look inviting. neutrogena ultra sheer dry-touch sunblock spf30 is the greatest essencia - never heard of it but i'm into aromatherapy. they have a contest you can enter and if you enter "luckymag" in with an order of $50 or more, you get free Heel Butter with pumice stone

totally off the subject, Kazu has a new Copper comic.