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My head is spinning. The reunion was surreal and I can't believe it's over. Part One of the reunion was at Coors' Field downtown and I didn't think I'd see anyone I would recognize, let alone recognize me too. DJ, Leigh, and her man were at Leigh's mom's house so we met up and went downtown. There was a nacho bar with red, white, and blue chips (our school colors, aww), and the deafening sounds of people reuniting and reminiscing. There were times I was tempted to just zone out and just watch from the sidelines.

There were tvs at the bar playing the Hilfiger reality show but I came back to the group and forced myself to talk and mingle. That's when I found my friend Laura. I remembered her bright blue eyes and Irish dancing skills. We had two classes together, one of them was Spanish with our teacher Don Carlos. There was more talking and then we went outside close to the stands taking pictures, drinking cocktails, and talking some more. The topics ranged from how grown some of our fellow graduates looked (woah) to our feelings about life after high school.

After that it was time to walk down to Rise, a local club, where our friend Omari was having a party. There was dancing, fire dancers, go-go dancers, more pictures, and some craziness that can not be mentioned. The smoke in there was so nasty, it took over my throat and my clothes. Had the munchies so we all went to Pete's Kitchen, a huge after the club spot for smothered burritos. Got home at 4 a.m. and crashed.

When I woke up on Saturday I wanted to be the president of the committee for non-smoking in Colorado. I couldn't breathe or talk. Not cool at all. I cleaned my place from top to bottom and got ready to go out. Reunion Day Two was a formal dance/light dinner starting at 6:30. Not as many pictures taken there but everyone looked so fresh and so clean. Grubbed on the food, the dj didn't come until 10 and closed up shop at 11. Pretty disappointing at times but the people were the most important part. Most unrecognizable award definitely goes to Natascha! She was the only other person I truly reunited with and talk about change, we barely recognized her. A lot of my pictures came out psychadelic/trippy. They look like the room was spinning. Actually like we were on that ride at the playground that spins...I think that ride was banned, haven't seen it anywhere.

Sunday I was exhausted. Trying to catch up with everyone who was out of town was nuts at times. But I called up my niece Zaria and made sure she was ready to have fun. I picked her up and we went to Heritage Square. I got lost, again, because I went a different direction than last year. I told her I was lost and she said, "What?! Call someone to help you like you did last year!" Now that is embarassing. I did find it with my Dad's help (thanks!) and Z rode on rides while I ran around looking for shade. There was none at this park in case you're wondering. The best part was the alpine slide that you have to ride the gondola to and then you come all the way down on a cart that you can speed up or slow down. Zaria went from, "I don't want to ride this ride, you can't make me" to "I love this! We have to ride this again!!". So glad she changed her mind though because I didn't want to walk back up the hill :) She was knocked out on the way back and I had one last dinner with DJ.

Now it's back to work and school. Ten year reunion over in a blink of an eye. It didn't sink in until I really looked around me at how much people had changed. It still hasn't sunk in completely.

**** I'm selling the custom hand knit hats for $45 each. I have more variations I will post soon. Let me know if you're interested!

Thanks for the positive push, still feeling overwhelmed but I think I can handle it. I hope. *gulp* :)

Sarah you were missed! More pictures are up in the photography section.