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Tracey's Bday

Have I ever told you how hard it is to take pictures of a German Shepherd puppy? I haven't? It is friggin HARD. But he's so cute. His name is Koda and he's my friend Ayanna's new puppy. He's so floppy and bouncy. Paws are too big, ears are full of floppy goodness. I luv him already.

In honor of Tracey's birthday, I left her a birthday greeting. She didn't want the obvious happy birthday greeting but she did want a list of 10 good things that have happened lately or 10 things you want to happen.

Here's mine:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (I don't follow directions very well, sorry)

Good things: 1.learned how to ink a little bit 2.learning to deal with people that get on my last nerve 3.learning to relax 4.counting my blessings 5.to take my time and look around me instead of rushing through 6.that "founder's favorite" from coldstone is my new favorite ice cream 7.learning that I'm not perfect so stop trying 8.coming to work and finding a present from someone on my desk. it feels good to be thought of. 9.the hot weather is back. even if it is a little off and on. 10.went on a date with a really good friend (think it could go somewhere?...monica&chandlier style) scary.

(I changed #2 and #3 to "learning" instead of "learned". I'm still growing. :) )