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Reduce Stress and Relax with Watercolor Painting

Hello hello!

When was the last time you read a book or took time out for something you were looking forward to?

There’s a definite need for busy women and moms to make sure they have time to breathe and personal joy (moments just for them that aren’t basic like a shower or time to run an errand alone…) in their day to day lives. We can easily get to the end of the day where we are exhausted but unsure what we even did to get us to that point. When we look a little closer we can see it was actually a culmination of all of the invisible tasks and to dos that have piled up, bit by bit.

It can get to the point where even if we did have that time to ourselves, what would we do with it?

To that I say watercolor paint! I may be biased but that’s how my own story began with watercolors.

I had a corporate job and I was a newish mom with two daughters, age 5 and 2. Quickly the days would get busier and busier with daycare drop-offs, toddler territory, big projects at work, etc. There wasn’t much time for my personal joy moments and because of that I wouldn’t have time to reset and relax.

I was an artist before having my babies and that was something I never wanted to let go, a part of my core identity that makes me me and I enjoy on so many different levels. So it was either find a way to make time for creativity or put it on a shelf to collect dust until the kids were 18+. Around two decades.

I couldn’t get on board with that so instead, I was determined to fit it into my day to day, even if it was just on breaks and lunches at work. Slowly but surely I would paint, getting over my fear of others watching in a non-artsy environment, because the joy and benefit of forgetting about the to dos and responsibilities for 15 to 30 minutes was worth so much more.

Now I help busy women and moms go from confused and not knowing where to start to painting with confidence with a fun watercolor art practice in The Playful Painter Studio!

In it you go from little to no watercolor experience all the way to painting fun watercolor illustrations on your own!

The doors are now currently closed but you can join the waitlist and learn more about The Playful Painter Studio here.

Come and join us! :)
