Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women mindfulness through the practice of watercolor painting.


No Stress Watercolor Painting Supplies List


Painting with watercolor is a completely different animal than other mediums and that is one of the best things about it.  For a long time I was curious (and terrified too) about watercolor and that kept me in a place of wondering “what if” for much too long.  I mean, the paints are expensive right? And there is special paper too? What do I even put my paint in? And don’t get me started on the brushes.  It’s a lot.  But it really doesn’t take long or take much to get started.

Here’s what you need:

  • 3 watercolor paint tubes - a red, yellow and blue for the primary colors

  • watercolor paper - this sketchbook is amazing and many of my shop prints were painted on this paper

  • a paint palette - something portable to carry your paint in

  • a round brush - a size 4 round brush is great to start with

  • a pencil - to lightly sketch your drawing/composition

  • an eraser - to lightly erase any pencil marks you don’t like

  • a water cup - to activate the watercolor (get the paint on the brush), make watercolor puddles, rinse off your brush, etc

  • paper towels - to dab your brush on and to dab the paper to lift any paint puddles on the paper

That’s it, if you have these things you can get started painting. With a limited amount of paint, just the primaries, you can paint the color wheel and gain an understanding of color theory.  This will help you in so many ways because once you have color theory down that knowledge flows into everything: makeup, clothes, home design, etc.  Great little bonus! I have a list of the perfect beginner’s kit right here.

Now is the perfect time to take time out for yourself and learn a new skill.  I have an online course called “Watercolor Mixing: A Beginner’s Guide to Color Harmony” and it walks you through all of the things.  You get instant access to learning color mixing, color theory, tools, watercolor washes, technique and then you put them all together and paint two mermaids as well!  It’s fun, relaxing and peaceful.  My mind shuts off and I just flow with the paint and you will too!

Let me know if you have any questions at all.


Interested in painting too? I have a watercolor guide with videos here! I share tips, tricks I wish I knew when I started painting.



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