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HB to ME

Happy Birthday to me :) Tomorrow is my official date of birth and I have to work. Woo hoo. This weekend I got to do some partying and celebrating so it's all good.

Friday - Ran a ton of errands which included grocery shopping so I wouldn't have to leave the house unless it was completely necessary. I could be as lazy and I wanted and lounge in pajamas all day Saturday. The week was a long one with interviews, call backs from news stations, work, etc. I crashed hard.

Saturday - Stayed home and worked on my Skully sweater. Watched retarded tv all day which included bad movies. American Wedding was one of them. I am starting to hate "On Demand". I'm usually hard on movies but lately just about every movie I watch is disappointing. I hope Collateral is good. Later my friend M and her friends were coming out with me for some birthday dancing along with birthday eating and birthday partying. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory and club hopped all night. I drank way too many complimentary birthday drinks and was so happy when I fell asleep at M's house.

Sunday - After church I hung out with my family before we went out to dinner. They gave me a really cute card with a chubby hamster on it and a huge and heavy present. I ripped the paper and there it was, my first sewing machine! I'm excited to start using it and learning all about it. Once my mom and I started turning this and flipping that we noticed scratches and smudges on it. It was definitely used before and not brand new so we're exchanging that puppy immediately. For dinner, we tried out a new restaurant and we won't be going back. All of the other restaurants just weren't jumping out at us so I chose to try something new. All of the food was just okay and my dinner was worse. We bought a pie later from Marie Callendars instead of cake and it was delicious. Try the Kahlua Cream Cheese.

Other than that, nothing else is going on. Anxiously awaiting my sewing machine. I'm looking forward to Wednesday because B. Shigley is going to be in town and I'm going to her workshop. We're going to go over branding, getting started, creativity, etc. Should be fun!