Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women mindfulness through the practice of watercolor painting.


Can't Feel My Hands

It is freakin' freezing!! It was 2 below yesterday and today the high is 7. 7 degrees people. My California blood can't take it!! But I have to be out here duking it out because of work and school. Yesterday I got my hair done AND I LOVE IT. Man, it was looking rough and stuff. I showed my work to my newlywed hairstylist, Kirstie. She gave me the best encouragement and compliments. She said that if she knew about my videos, she would have asked me to tape her wedding.


Beautiful. I'm still catching my breath over that one.

Then I drove through the crunchy snow to school and worked on my last digital video piece. And now it's done. I'm a little sad that this class is ending because I won't have access to Final Cut, the G5 at school, and my friend's camcorder. Can't make my own video pieces until I own all of that stuff. I am proud of my work in that class and really suprised at how my perspective changed. The challenge of school can be thrilling at times.

So, the gallery that we booked sold our space to someone else. SO, the gallery showing is now at the Blue Gallery on Sante Fe which is even better. We have first Fridays, the art walks I always talk about. Our exhibit will be included in the first Friday in January. VERY cool. The sad part is all of the fliers and posters we handed out have the wrong information. I hope we have a huge turnout and sell some stuff. It's crazy how things work out because I am sad about not being a part of Fashion Denver this time around BUT I am in a whole different exhibit that still involves art and what I love.

Sometimes I wish I could see the big picture of my life like God sees it. I bet it would be interesting and breathtaking. But I wouldn't have any suprises and I love suprises. I love how everything works out in the end.

**** Isn't this the coolest? Courtesy of Erica. I have been wanting to screen print forever! And get back to shooting, and drawing, and Illustrator...so much to have fun with and get back into. Next week is the last week of school!!!!

Her photography just gets better and leaves me speechless almost every time.

Another baby for Claire!

I heart her sweater, if only I had the patience and time. (Dec. 2nd)
