Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women mindfulness through the practice of watercolor painting.


Illustration Friday - Ahead

ahead The best way for Luis the circus bear to get ahead was to be the best circus bear ever. And he was.

This is my attempt for the theme of Ahead for Illustration Friday and it is also an entry for 52 Designs.

I had a three day weekend this past weekend and it was spent doing some major projects.  One was cleaning the oven, it is like a brand new oven now.  Another was re-painting our bedroom.  I always wanted blue walls, a robin's egg shade in the study and an even lighter blue in the bedroom.  About two years ago I finally got my wish and we painted the study and the bedroom.  Now we are a little over the light blue, Basalt (5th row down, 2nd from the right) in the bedroom so we changed it to a very pale gray, Lacey Pearl.  Very happy with it and I'll post pics of the bedroom and our key wall in the hallway.

I had been wanting to volunteer, so on Saturday I helped make some tie fleece blankets (very easy, I will definitely be making these for baby showers in the future) for the preemies at Denver Health hospital.  I couldn't help out all day, had painting to do but I'm glad I participated.  While relaxing, another thing that we crossed off the list were movies we had never seen before, classics.  Raul grew up in Colombia so he had never seen The Never Ending Story.  That is my movie!  I saw it when I was nine years old and it was time for Raul to know what I am talking about when I bust out my Rock Biter quotes or call him a sleepy bat, hehe.  The movie still holds its own so it was great!  The other movie was Out of Africa.  It was long, but epic.  Robert Redford and Meryl Streep are golden together.  Great film.

Happy happy girl.

Illustration Friday - Detective