Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women mindfulness through the practice of watercolor painting.


Let Me Count the Ways

delicious grapes I'm loving the web. Some things I'm addicted to lately.

YouTube - I have been looking on here for everything. And everything is there. I hate cutting onions and what do I find? How to cut onions chef style. Oh yes. Never chopped up a pineapple by yourself? Look no further! Need to know how some other girls like you do their faces up because you are sick and tired of make up artists at the mall not knowing what they are doing at all? Look over here! Ahh, YouTube is the best.

The Knot - keeps me on track with planning. Everything is spaced out into bite-sized morsels. Love that.

Other bride sites like this.

This Snoop video is classic.

This talented new mama has brought back her photography projects.  Finally.  Yes!  :)

Oh, and these fainting goats just make me CRACK up. omg, poor babies.

Book Club

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