Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women mindfulness through the practice of watercolor painting.


What I'm Working on - No. 3

edwardian brooch mats assignment So I made the biggest rookie mistake in the book with my Make Art That Sells class and didn't verify the due date/time. I thought for sure the deadline was 5 p.m. EST, 3 p.m. MTN. So I went to upload my image to the January Assignment gallery and low and behold, it closed at 3 p.m. EST, 1 p.m. MTN. What time was it? 1:04 p.m. MTN. Womp.

Lesson is definitely learned. Here is my finished journal cover based on Edwardian brooches. This was not easy because I have been away from Illustrator for awhile and all of the facets, I had no idea how I was going to accomplish it. Using Divide in the Pathfinder was helpful as well as using Object, Path, Divide Objects Below (wonderful tutorial here).

I learned a ton about how I like to work: step by step and compartmentalize the process. Then let it go. IE. Finish sketch phase, finish design phase, finish color phase, etc. Going back and tinkering is crazy-making.

Also, the end goal is to be done, not perfect. I want my best work but if you never finish anything, you don't accomplish anything. In my humble opinion.

Now it is time to relax and play with my little one.

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What I'm Working On - No. 2