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So happy to have this website back. The negative and doubting part of me keeps thinking something is going to show up being broken, like uploading pics. I'm sure the site is fine. It's funny but I'll have so much to say and then I actually log in to post something and I draw a blank. I'm going to start writing stuff down or typing in Word and then pasting it here. lol. This has been a very full week. I keep trying to make time for loved ones and actually have a life outside of school work. Not an easy task at all. Right now I'm working on a short paper on a current event that affects Asian Americans, a research paper on intercultural communication ethics, shooting footage for my second digital video project (social commentary), creating a four page newsletter in InDesign (due Wednesday), and finishing up project 9 and 10 for basic multimedia production. The class just started Oct. 17 and I've worked so far ahead that I will have all of the design projects completed once I finish 9 and 10. So much to do and that's just school.

Thank God for Fridays so I can sit down and concentrate. It's been really tough waking up on Thursdays and Fridays. Just exhausted. Mark my words, when the semester is over I will do 15 cartwheels in a row. No mater where I am and who I'm with. hehe.

On Monday, my social documentary class met up and showed the preview of the dvd from Taos. It's made up of still shots and actual video footage of our little journey in Taos. I was so impressed with what my teacher and his son have put together! I have two photographs with two stories!! So, the plan for now is to have an exhibit at the Flash Gallery in December where our video will be shown and prints will be sold.

Can you see me smiling even though my eyes are screaming to get some rest? I can.

Things I've learned so far from this semester: Don't ever take on five classes and work full time Don't think taking some classes online will make it easier Don't schedule a class that starts 30 min after you get off work (even if it is only two times a week)

**** Cooked flounder last night and realized I don't like it. Consistent with sawdust :( But the Funfetti cupcakes with cream cheese frosting was delish!