Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women self-care through the practice of watercolor painting.

My Creative Process - Concept, Draw and Paint

Breaking things down into specific stages has helped me create more art instead of beating myself up about the work I didn’t get around to making. When I spend time focused on one of three things (concept, drawing, painting) I can get into a state of flow much easier. The alternative lately would be having a short amount of time, trying to get through all three stages and then getting frustrated that I don’t have a complete piece at the end.

Creativity can be tricky so give yourself grace and think about what works for you. What is your creative process?

I started a new art membership called The Playful Painter Studio to help you learn watercolor and spark creativity, check it out and learn more about it here.

If you want to learn on your own, I have instant access online courses that go over painting and drawing right here. :)


How Michelle Rohr and Aimee Johanan Showed Me How To Trust Myself and Grow

Playfully Paint with Watercolor by Making Marks First