Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women mindfulness through the practice of watercolor painting.


Q&A - How Did You Jump Past the Fear and Create Full Time?


Another question from our Instagram community is, “How did you jump past the fear?” If you are new here, welcome!! Let me catch you up a bit too! I have had an Etsy shop for my art prints and paper goods since 2009. However, I have also had a telecommunications job for even longer and had my feet in both worlds for a very long time.

I didn’t realize how much I was growing and changing and being spread thin by all of the day to day things. Our life wasn't what I wanted and for once I really took a moment to reassess and evaluate our routines and how we wanted to spend our time. Painting and creating was my dessert, one of the highlights of my day and I couldn’t get enough. This is something I could talk about and do nonstop. Also, because I loved it so much, I was scared to put it in the number one career spot because I have heard that it sucks the joy out of it.

It was time to make a decision and really check my priorities. And what if I could pursue what I love, enjoy every day even more, have limitless success, have much more flexibility, spend more time with my family, etc? It looked and sounded like a dream so after identifying my fears, I went for it and took the leap. I could not live the exact same year again, something had to change. Have you heard that Winnie the Pooh quote, “What if I fall? Oh my darling but what if you fly?” It is one of my favorites!

So in September of last year I gave my quit day notice and started working in my art business 100%! It was the best decision I have ever made and the hardest one I’ve made since being a mom. I no longer look at “my kids depend on me” as an excuse to be fearful, instead it is the fuel that keeps me going on this new path and we are all better for it!

How do you get past your fear? Do you shrink it into bite size pieces that you can tackle one by one until that thing you feared is done? I do that, love that strategy.


Interested in painting to destress and just get started? I have a watercolor guide with videos here! I share tips, tricks I wish I knew when I started painting.


Q&A - How Am I Creative in the Days of Quarantine?

Q+A - Why Choose Watercolor Over Other Mediums?