Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women mindfulness through the practice of watercolor painting.


Q&A - What Is My Daily Routine As A Watercolor Artist?


Things have been more up in the air and uncertain lately due to COVID, civil unrest, etc. Getting a schedule together has always been a tricky thing to finesse but now that is being put to the test. At least before I had solid blocks of time to block off for painting, sketching, learning, etc but now that is completely different and changes in the blink of an eye. Where is the structure?

I’ve been looking at it as “secure the asset” and making sure to take care of us as people in this home first and foremost. Then once those needs are good for an hour or two we can focus on something else. So that means connection with the kids and my husband, doesn’t have to be big things. Playing right after waking up and then focusing on breakfast when before I would have done things just the opposite. I have started jump roping so I usually get that done first thing after waking up because it is quick. I sweat so I can’t do it after I get ready and I am not a big exercise fan so I just like to get it out of the way for the day, as soon as possible.

I still pick three things that would make me feel like a rockstar at night if I completed them during the day and that is my focus. This has worked really well because I don’t work off of a neverending list in one day and then feel horrible that I “barely made a dent”. I like to stay realistic and it’s working. Today my three things are jump roping, cleaning the bathrooms and writing a post for my patrons. My bonus to do is to complete a voice over on a collaboration video my friend Christie Drahnak is posting to her YouTube channel tomorrow. As a matter of fact, it is quiet in my room right now, the kids are occupied so I am going to pause and get that done right now!

That’s a little peek of how I get things done, how are you navigating right now?


Interested in painting too? I have a watercolor guide with videos here! I share tips, tricks I wish I knew when I started painting.


Painting Frida Kahlo - Collab with Christie Drahnak

Lessons Learned in Watercolor - Don't Be Afraid To Try New Things