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Go Speed Reader, Go

I've never been a speed reader but right now I'm surprising myself. Two books over 500 pages each in two weeks. Very impressive. I can't seem to put these books down and I've started a mini book club of three. ;) Lately we just say "OMG, I love this book! But I'm on the the ________ book so don't tell me anything!! Let's talk about something else, k?". Yes, we are neurotic. I am the worst though because I won't even look at the display in the bookstore that shows all these other products based on the books. Plus I'm hauling butt so I can actually talk about what I'm reading since I'm just that paranoid.

Lame, lame, lame.

My love of reading has been revived. Two things that sparked my interest in reading growing up: 1.) My mom reading me bedtime stories and 2.) The Neverending Story.

Ok, back to book number _________.


Thank you thank you thank you for the sweetest sentiments on here and on my flickr page. Everything came together beautifully and the whole day, every detail, was something we envisioned together. I am a very blessed woman to have such a fun, focused, tender and intelligent man by my side. It's cliche but he is my extremely handsome best friend.