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Wednesday Classes

I'm not sure if my poncho/caplet is the beginning or the end of my crocheting adventures. I could have made my project longer in width so it came down past my waist but I was just plain tired. I wanted to complete it so badly that I said, "it's finished", and moved on with breaking yarn, weaving in ends, tying on fringe, and pressing it out. It's going to be cuuuuttee. So I have plans to go back to the yarn shop today and sew the ends together. I was supposed to be crocheting it in the round but Zach and I couldn't find the point in the pattern that said to start it in the round so we didn't. There's a deal going on at La Ti Da right now that when you spend $50, you get $10 off from June 7th to June 13th. This is a yarn only sale so I have to keep that in mind and not get too crazy. The real thing I'm conflicted over is if I want to take this crochet class that starts tomorrow. I met this real sweet chica named Priya and she made me want to join the class with her and her friends. From working on the poncho I think I'm tapped out and I don't want to work on a crochet project right now. We would be working on a hat, learning how to read the pattern, get a crochet hook, and get the yarn needed all for $65. Not bad. We'd meet on Wednesdays for three weeks. Hmmm.....crochet class and yarn....crochet class alone...or yarn alone.....

Honestly, what can I crochet that doesn't look like a doily? Finding my poncho pattern was a big surprise. I see so many granny like doily patterns and creations from crocheting that make me not want to take the class in the long run. Decisions decisions.