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The Mondays

Did you have a great weekend? Mine was jam packed. If it's possible to do too much, I think I did. Friday - When I was waiting for Jay I went to the mall and checked out the jewlery and bags. I figured that I'm crafty, but not crafty enough to make my own knitting bag right now. So I bought this bag from Eddie Bauer on sale. It's huge! It should be able to hold two projects at a time, woo hoo. Once Jay came up to the mall we went to the bbq in Evergreen as planned and it was fun. Talked to Jay's co-workers about everything from sexual harassment to sumo wrestlers. It's cool when you talk to someone elses co-workers since you don't have to worry about seeing them on Monday, lol. I had a chocolate cake shot and it burnt over and over. It would not stop burning so I had to have some water. The burgers were fantastic but I just ate mine so I could get to the dessert. There were SO many desserts!! They even had an ice cream cake with ice cream and cake in it from Coldstone. Strawberry cheesecake ice cream and devil's food cake. We left and I passed out at home. I was really tired.

Saturday - Cleaned up a bit and went to my hair appointment. I have straight on bangs now instead of swooped to the side, like Naomi Campbell back in the day. I love them, so far so good. I still have to get used to feeling my bangs on my eyelids. I like the cut though. After that I went to La Ti Da and spent the rest of the day there. I worked non-stop on my poncho which is actually looking more like a caplet now.

Sunday - went to church and heard a great message. Before the message we recognized everyone who was graduating this year. I was so envious. Happy for all of them but eager to be up there too. I came home, crunched numbers, and I think if I take three classes this semester I will only have four more left until I graduate. I really hope my numbers are correct. For the message, Pastor was talking about memorials and how people have dates they remember and cherish. This should be the same way you feel about blessings and needs in your life. Remember when you were blessed (food everyday, eyesight, freedom, etc) and think about those times when you have more needs. It encourages me and gets me fired up when I think about everything God has given me in my life and others. It's amazing. Sometimes it's so easy to forget about blessings but there are so many things to be thankful for. After that, my parents and I grilled hamburgers and made some artichoke dip. Pretty tasty. I blocked my poncho/caplet/whatever and came home. Cleaned up and chilled out.

Finally the Sopranos season is over and Six Feet Under will be all new!!! *sigh* About time.

P.S. - On a sad note, we lost our 40th President, Ronald Regan (93), on Friday. I was young when he was in office but I remember what he's done for us. He'll be missed.

On an even sadder note, J-Lo gets married again? I hope it lasts and I hope she doesn't become another Liz Taylor. Crazy.