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World Traveler

That's a bit of an exaggeration but I just did a lot in three days. I didn't think I was going to be able to see my friend, DJ, get married on Friday. But I underestimated my friends. One of my good friends hooked me up with an early birthday present and flew me out to Vegas. I flew out Friday morning (6 a.m.) and came back Saturday morning (8 a.m.). It was insane! You think anyone let me get some sleep? Yea right, I was up until 3:30 a.m. and woke up at 6 a.m. so I could catch my flight back on Saturday. I ended up leaving my cell phone in the hotel and borrowing random cell phones of very kind people so I could get Omari to pick it up and bring it back when he flew in on Sunday.

DJ looks so happy and I am happy for him. He almost made me cry during the ceremony. Must remember to punch him for that. ;)

I was so out of it that I got lost driving home and it took me an hour to take a drive that is usually 10 minutes. Sleep is your friend people. So I rested and then it was time to drive up to Keystone for fireworks (since I missed them here) and an art festival. Keystone is beautiful and they have a fireworks show every night.

Now I have tons of pictures to upload to flickr but I'm too tired and lazy. Keep checking back for those.

**** Thanks for the comments on Sticky. That was nothing but fun to do, playing with color and my imagination. As for the paper look, it's a paper texture imported into Illustrator. The rest is my little secret :)

**** I feel like I haven't added links on here in forever! So here are a ton.

Diyosa chronicles her life on flickr and she has the most adorable little girl, Ayana, and photographs (another person that makes me want a Nikon)

JesC shares her love of family and photography on flickr. (Makes me want a Nikon as well)

Carlos Luis kicks butt with his Canon Mark II and 5D. His kids, Vincent and Josefina, are absolutely gorgeous. His photography makes me drool...literally.

I stopped knitting a long time ago but there is a new Knitty out! And because of the new release, I found this cool girl. Makes me want to knit a little something that is cute and quick.

This pin is the coolest. If you email her, she'll send you one. I need to live by it more, I can be compulsive at times.