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Idle Hands

I got to see my movie, Shrek 2, yesterday and it was alright. I think I love the first one much more. The animation was excellent as always but the story seemed a little weak and hokey. The addition of new characters was cool, especially Antonio Banderas as Puss in Boots (those eyes!!) and Rupert Everett as Prince Charming. This one seemed like it was more for kids the way they kept your attention with the songs and such. Or maybe I was just a little turned off by the people who thought it was okay to bring what sounded like newborn shrieking triplets in the theatre. Non-stop crying and wailing. Fun for all. Besides seeing the movie, it seems that my Sonicare toothbrush pooped out and broke already. I'm still trying to decide if I should just return it or exchange it. I can't believe it broke already.

Now that it's been a little over a week since the semester ended (final grades post tomorrow) I'm just now starting to settle into my new schedule. No racing from work to school. But in it's place I'm putting racing everywhere else. There's so much I want to do!! I want to make digital art, illustrations, find rod iron legs to attach to my alphabet tile table, get out of this state even just for two days, make that pashmina, learn css and re-design this site, see movies (Seabiscuit, 21 Grams, and Mystic River have been on my list forever), and much more. I'm about to be burnt out before summer officially begins, hehe.

edit - 1:13pm - I was searching for poncho patterns and I came across this one. I love it and I think it could turn out pretty cute. It's a pattern by Stitch Diva Studios. They have a lot of cute patterns to check out.