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Illustration Friday submission on a Monday? I can't believe it either.

I stopped and just drew with this one. It felt wonderful to take time and just go with the flow. I somehow got away without taking a class on color theory with my major and minor (photojournalism and digital media). I picked up "Artist's Color Manual" but I think I'm going to exchange it for "Color Theory Made Easy." If you have any two cents to give about color, don't hold back. Now to see the other 600 plus entries.

::: stretches:::

Oh yea, I never wrote about how I almost died last weekend. Maybe I'm exaggerating but I don't think so. My friends and I went up to Winter Park to do a story on the snowboarding/skiing competition on Saturday. But before that my friend, Amy, and I went up to Copper. She had an extra pass, all of the gear, and I had never been snowboarding before. So I went with her, went on the lift and everything. I fell HARD about four times coming down the mountain. I almost went down a blue when I was sticking to greens. And when I fell the last time, about 20 feet from the finish, we had to call ski patrol. So now I am happy everytime I take a step because I just knew I was either going to crash into a tree or live the rest of my life on the mountain. I don't think snowboarding is for me.

Graduation on May 14, Mother's Day. Tick tock, tick tock.

**** My wacom tablet broke last week. It was an old beat up Graphire 2. Now I've got a shiny new silver Graphire 3. I'm a lucky girl.