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On Assignment

The first photo shoot of the day for the internship was canceled. The second shoot wasn't. I studied up on what shots were needed, printed out the directions and printed the photo release form. I had a difficult time with the shots needed because I hate posed photos. No posing!! Charleton and his son Marcus were amazing. We went to the park across the street and started shooting. After awhile we went back to their house and took more pictures in the backyard. Right when I came through the door I was greeted by Imani, Marcus' little sister. So adorable and she gave my leg a bearhug. The weather was great (thank God!) and I got shots I'm happy with. Just hope my internship feels the same.


Last night I got to get some delicious sushi. I'm addicted. I went to Sushi Tazu on Fillmore because my friend said it was better than Sushi Den. It was so good! The sesame seeds were toasted on the salmon rolls and the salmon had a rich smoked taste. Edamame! Must go back!

About tv, I am so happy Kevin a.k.a. Chicken Little has been voted off of American Idol. YES! Can you tell I didn't like him much? The American Inventor is turning into my new show too. It's one thing to go on American Idol and think you can sing, but it's another to see someone spend thousands of dollars, hocking their wedding ring, etc for a useless invention. It's oddly fascinating. Can't stop watching.

I had two Krispy Kreme donuts and milk for breakfast. I should feel sick to my stomach but I'm not, just waiting to go celebrate a birthday. Hope there is cake, this is my have-what-i-want-day even though I've been having little treats all week. Lost six pounds though, so it's working!

**** More pics on flickr. (I know how to post flickr from here (Thanks Lu!), but flickr has been going down and I don't want my whole site to "go down" as well. Not for now at least.)