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Can I go one day without updating? Heck no. Not since I've learned (after a year of having movable type) that you can update anywhere. Nu uh buddy, updates will be coming frequently. Must see:

Rachael recently updated her site and added tons of content. This content includes her portfolio which showcases her illustrations. After I saw her illustrations, I couldn't believe the compliments she gave me and was shocked that she put me on her Inspiration Page. She has skills! Tutorials would be nice too...maybe in the near future ;)

Rath is back with a fresh and intricate new look on her site.

Robot Johnny recently updated his site with a portfolio page.

Kit for Beginners - if you were interested in inking, go to this thread I started over at bolt city. These creative people are informed on the craft of inking and drawing. They're friendly, inspirational, and informative. They rock! I can't wait until Flight is released. Same month as my birthday ;)

P.S. - I love Fantasia, Jasmine, and La Toya.

*edit* 11:24am-

See, I'm back! I found an artrist named Japi Honoo. The digital art this artist produces is wonderful and original.

Check it out, you won't be disappointed.