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What a Weekend

Man, I'm still not awake. Somehow I made it into work through this snow storm and now I'm here. With my vacation and other things, my sleep schedule has been thrown all out of wack and when I know I should be going to bed, I get a second wind and I'm ready to party. Plus, it doesn't help that my neighbors NEVER sleep and the thought of going and knocking on their door at 1 a.m. in 2 degree weather keeps me snuggled in my bed trying to fall asleep. So this week it's back to work and back to school. Let the good times roll. Thanksgiving was great. I'm thankful for a mom who can COOK. She tore it up because we had sweet potato pie, greens, rolls, oyster patties, turkey, yams with marshmallows on top, cranberry sauce, etc. Oh yes, and peach cobbler which I bet was finished off last night by my dad. *sigh* I drug myself into work the next day and then I knew the storm was coming so I had to go take pictures for my final digital art project. The assignment is to create five ads and then super impose them onto real billboards and advertisements to make them look like they are everywhere. People act so funny when you start taking pictures of things. I was taking pictures of a billboard that was near someone's business and the man came out and asked me to take his picture. Weird.

November 27th is my mom's birthday (happy birthday again!) so I gave her her present later in the day. I had to present her with her gift of gourmet coffee, chocolates, and a mom's day off book later on because I had to go to the Colorado Museum of History for another class assignment. We had to write a feature story and I chose the Pulitzer Prize Winning Photography exhibition at the museum. Great experience and the best part was reading about what the photographers were feeling and the stories behind the pictures. None of them were planned and if they were planned, the final result was much better than the original plan. Interesting.

Later that night my friend called me to let me know she was in town so we hung out Sunday after church. We ran errands and hung out at the mall with snow falling and freezing winds. We didn't care since I haven't seen her in forever. She's changed so much since high school and one of those changes was her new love for make-up. This is a girl I never thought would buy glitter eyelashes from M.A.C. I bought some eye shadow from Bobbi Brown and finally learned how to apply make-up correctly. You pat the brush in the blush, eye shadow, or powder, and pat the make-up on. No more swirling in the pot and swirling on the face. I have been wasting so much product! Whoops.

P.S. - Illustration Friday site is up! YEA!