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Tweak This Tweak That

Will the cold sweat ever stop? O yea, I'm nervous about the whole Store thing. It's up there and I think I'm more exctied than nervous. Another bundle of emotions just like everything else. I've made some changes on the store site. Mostly just clarifying descriptions, shipping, and including tax and return policy information. Thanks for bearing with me through this stage. Yesterday was a long Monday. Finished work and had to get to a news station for another interview. Man it was HOT. I was a little late because I got turned around in my directions but I got the internship. Now I have another interview today and the one channel I really wanted to call me back did so yesterday. After I called them twice and accepted a different internship. Great. I guess that's the way it's supposed to be. As long as no doors are shut on me, I think I'm in a good position. When I got home I just wanted to be a couch potato but I ended up working on the store's site and started learning about my sewing machine.

That machine is awesome! I forgot I had a card table so I just put it on there and it should be fine. Hopefully there isn't too much shaking going on with it. Reading the directions and learning the names of everything was as far as I got. I thought I couldn't do much more because I didn't have a bobbin full of thread. Little did I know the machine does that. I have a lot to learn.

Oh yes!! Before I forget. I went to a get together this weekend and beat 3 guys in a domino game. That was great! Nothing beats a battle of the sexes win for some reason. Just feels so good.

"SLAM!! That's game!!" >=o) Boo YOW!