Saturday morning cartoons were my favorite. And the comics section of the newspaper too. I was always in awe of stories shared with pictures than the ones without. I started drawing the characters I loved like Tweety Bird, Taz and Bugs Bunny from Looney Tunes. When I would draw, I would lose track of time and get lost in loving creativity.

But I quickly learned in school that eventually everyone puts away their crayons and focuses on “stronger” subjects like math and writing. I got my degree in photojournalism and digital media. Since I didn’t know how to make my artistic dreams happen, I focused on other subjects and that lead to a more traditional path and dream.

All of a sudden I was a grown up with a corporate 9 to 5 job, a stressful busy schedule and I was also a new mom to two toddler daughters. For the first time I started to worry about losing my identity outside of my corporate title and being a mom. I missed the parts of me that were creative, artistic and actually practicing those skills regularly. I knew that if I didn’t make my art a priority now, I would be waiting 18 years plus and it would fade away completely.

The only time I had to create was on my breaks and lunches at work. I packed up my backpack with my art supplies: paper, pencil, watercolor paints along with my work laptop and made a plan to paint that day on my break.

I was nervous to paint in front of my peers but I filled up my collapsible water cup, wet my paints and swirled my paint filled brush on the paper. Almost instantly my shoulders relaxed and I was lost in the calm joy of painting even though I was in a concrete building with fluorescent lights and not a beautiful art studio. It didn’t matter where I was, I was transported to a creative zen where anything was possible.

Soon I had a routine that every work day, Monday through Friday, I was watercolor painting, sketching (or both) for 1 hour (2 breaks and 1 lunch). My mood improved because I was putting myself first which changed how I showed up at work, at home and with my babies.

This little creative practice refilled my cup in such a positive way and I wanted to paint more. This was the start of getting my quiet time back, being able to hear my own thoughts again and reevaluate my life. Small changes added up and after soul searching, my original dream of being an artist full-time became a reality and I finally had my quit day from my corporate job in late September 2019.

Now I get to express myself through cute and fun whimsical watercolor character illustration art prints. And I organize my life with digital planners featuring my artwork as well. I wanted to make it easier to understand the fundamentals to get started painting with watercolors so I teach that too.

It truly is never too late to make your dreams come true!



Books I’ve Written and Illustrated

Fabric, Wallpaper and More



I go live and chat/draw/paint on Instagram so let’s be friends over there!