Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women mindfulness through the practice of watercolor painting.


Where in the World

is Erika going to blog from? (sing that like it's the Carmen Sandiego theme song) Now I am reporting live from the computer lab on campus. I'm doing some last minute cramming for my last final of the semester!!!! I can not wait until I do my final look over of my test, make sure I'm happy with my answers and turn that crap in without looking back.

I am tired though. The Sunday before last I went to get gas and the pump kept telling me "lift nozzle and press start". I did what it said and nothing happened. I finally pressed the speaker button and talked with a guy inside telling him to cancel the transaction. He said he did so I scooted up to the next pump and got gas. Sure enough, I check my statement online a few days later and I was double charged. I gave someone free gas without even knowing about it.

So I went to the gas station to dispute that today, went to the mall to return Smashbox eye base that does not work (my eyelids crease eyeshadow non-stop), ate some Tokyo Joe's, got a McD's ice cream cone since it's blazing hot (did you know The Dog is back??), returned a book I barely used this semester ($44 refund and I paid $85..not too bad) and now I'm in the lab.

Lately days have been jam packed with stuff to do. Must. Slow. Down.

Four Day Weekend

Earth to Alejandro...